Sounds wonderful, right? It is. But the price that had to be paid for this to be my reality, was not wonderful. It was a gruesome, cruel and horrifying cross. Blood, sweat, tears, anguish...all cast upon the God of creation, who was perfect in every way and never had to endure any of it. But He did it any ways. All because he loved me, and you. Whoa. That is heavy indeed.
So why do I often not have peace? Look at what I just typed up there?!?! For heavens sake, how much more wonderful and reassuring can it get?? There is one line in Ann's recent post (about palm sunday actually) that grabbed me.
"God cries because his people cry for things that won't bring them peace."
Seriously!!!!! So me. I spending so much time crying or fretting or worrying over things that are insignificant, and in the grand scheme of things, lame. How, why is that possible when I just typed the most beautiful reassurance of eternal peace!? I don't have all those answers. But I do know that one day, I will be lame no longer. Because of the sacrifice He made on a Friday a long time ago, eternal peace is real for me...and you!!
All is Grace...His Alone!!
I've attached the link to Ann's website again, incase you wanted to head over and be utterly inspired (and humbled :)
I've attached the link to Ann's website again, incase you wanted to head over and be utterly inspired (and humbled :)