Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Sorry it has been a while since I have been able to post, life has been somewhat crazy but so full of wonderful memories and fun times! Ryan is growing up so quickly. She'll be 4 months old next week. This weekend Matthew and I were both off. It was WONDERFUL!

We spent the entire weekend together as a family, decorated the house, put up the tree, watched Harry Potter, worshiped on Sunday morning and tried to enjoy every second. Ryan must have not known what to do with both parents home and no visitors, because she was kinda grumpy, haha! However, you can see from the pictures she was also happy and pooped by Sunday evening :-)

I'm not going to say much but simply post some pics of the angel. Hope all is well!! I just love this
time of year :-)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Newborn Pictures!

I realize these are long over due and I apologize but they are too stinking cute for me not to share :-) These were taken when Ry was only 9 days old. I love them!! Hope you guys do too!
(Pictures by Susan Brewer, Susan Brewer Photography)

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh what a wonderful weekend!

I could not have imagined a more perfect weekend! Matthew was suppose to be gone until Saturday evening at a conference for work but surprised us by coming home a day early!! Friday night we ate dinner, watched some TV and played with Ry until she was fast asleep. Ryan then slept 9 1/2 hours, that's right, 9 1/2 hrs!!

e slept in, then cuddled with Ry in our bed after she finally woke up
, watched some more TV while eating breakfast together. We then headed out for a day of fun. We ran errands, went to the mall (to exchange a pair of boots Matthew surprised me with on Friday, forgot to mention that!), ate dinner at Chipotle and then headed home for some more family time. We laughed and relaxed. Ryan smiled at her daddy all day long on Saturday. She couldn't get enough of him and is definitely becoming his little princess :-)

Today we got up (a little earlier this time :-) and went to church. It was so great to be at worship and to fellowship with our C4 class. They are such a wonderful group of people and we are so thankful for all of them! It truly is a class that pushes us, encourages us and strengthens our walk with the Lord. We then got things squared away for Ryan's baby dedication coming up on Oct. 31st, hung Ryan's newborn pictures in her nursery, and just enjoyed being together.

God was truly merciful and gracious to give us this weekend together as a family because Matthew and I both start pretty difficult, mostly time consuming, rotations tomorrow. For all of you who believe in prayer, the next 4 weeks the Bessom clan could really use them! I'm going to miss my baby girl so much but know she is in good hands while I am away. I probably will not blog a lot over the next few weeks as every free moment I have will be spent with Ryan and Matthew, but hopefully a few short words and pics here and there! Here are just a few pics from our great weekend :-)

Hope everyone is well! Much love!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

First Immunizations

WE SURVIVED..... Ryan did wonderfully at her doctor's visit today. We went for her 2 month well child check. She is developing perfectly, hanging out on her growth curve like a champ and just as perfect as can be. She is in the 25th% for weight and jumped to the 75% for height. I think she may be tall and skinny like her daddy (which makes mommy very happy :-). She cried for about 2-3 minutes after getting her
shots and then took about an hour nap. We came home, played, ate and then the screaming began. She cried for about 30 minutes or so and then I gave in and gave her 2 more ounces of milk. She fell fast asleep and is that way now. Such a sweet girl!!! Lets hope it continues through the night!

Love you all!!

Monday, October 11, 2010


What better way to celebrate our little angel's 2 month birthday than to post a bunch of pictures?!?
The highlights of her big day:
1. Figuring out that she can stick her hand (sometimes her entire fist) into her mouth and it becomes very similar to her pacifier.

2. Hanging out with Liberty the Lamb (the pacifier)

3. Making mom and dad happy by taking all kinds of cheesy pictures :-) I'm such a good model!

4. Napping

5. More napping :-)

She has also become more vocal in the last few days!! So cute hearing all the coos and ahhs!!

Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Power of Prayer

Probably one of the greatest things I have learned since Ryan's birth is that being a parent is not easy. Hear my heart, it is the greatest joy one will ever know. However, with great love comes a lot of sleepless nights, worry, questions, and tough decisions. I hope these posts are mostly about my little munchkin and less about me, however I couldn't help but blog about an experience I had this past week at work. I am currently on a pediatric cardiology rotation, meaning I spend my day seeing children with many different heart problems. Most of the children are born with defects in their heart of some sort or a variation thereof.

Since starting cardiology I have found new heroes and warriors in pediatric medicine - the families and children with congenital heart defects. I say "new" because all of my patients are heroes but these are extra special. Some of these children endure multiple surgeries (chest-cracked-open surgeries), medicines, etc. Now that I am a parent I have a new-found respect for all parents, but especially these. I think any mom or dad would tell you their worst fear would be something happening to their child - cancer, SIDS, heart problem, etc. On Friday, I had the privilege of meeting a family of 4. Mom and dad accompanied their precious 6 month old son to his cardiology appointment; 2yr old brother stayed with Nana. They have been coming to see the cardiology docs since his birth secondary to a hole between his ventricles (the bottom chambers of his heart). This defect is the most common congenital heart defect in kids and we see quite a bit of it. Now, most of the time it isn't too big of a deal. Often, they will spontaneously close on their own (depending upon size, location, and some other variables).

This little guy hasn't had the easiest time and has required medicine to help him combat the symptoms of "heart failure" secondary to his VSD (the hole). On Friday, these parents came to the doctor with their son who had a common defect that often closed on its own and left that morning preparing for their son to have open heart surgery in 3-4 weeks. WOW!! It wasn't an easy decision for parents and physician, which made it that much sobering in the room. We could sit and wait, continue medicines and hope things didn't get worse or even better, that the hold would close on its own. Or, go to surgery and fix it. As the recommendation of surgery was given to the parents, I watched the mother's face. It instantly changed, almost like "mama-bear" mentality kicked in. She started asking questions, great questions. Then, after her mind couldn't think of any more questions, her heart took over and tears filled her eyes. She then asked the loaded question that we often get in medicine, "If it were your child what would you do?". In that instance, the cardiologist I was working with stopped and asked if he could pray. In that room we prayed for God's wisdom, guidance and peace. We asked for protection for the sweet little boy for whom we were making the decision. At the end of the prayer a peace consumed the room and I think all of us knew the best thing was for him to proceed with surgery. The little guy began smiling and giggling and kicking his legs around, almost like he was reminding us it would all be okay. What an amazing God we serve!!

I tell you this story for many reasons. First, our God is an amazingly faithful God who, I believe, always answers when you call on His name. Second, to give you a piece of why I love my job so much. Sharing in some of the most vulnerable and life-changing moments of a family's life is such a blessing and privilege that I hope I never forget or take for granted. The third and final reason, I am now a parent. I cannot even begin to imagine making the decision those parents made on Friday, but they took it to the Lord and made the best decision they could. I pray I always do the same!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Back to work

My first week back to work went much better than I could have ever dreamed. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever done but my little Ryan did wonderful (as you can see from the happy pictures I posted). Ryan's grandparents were so wonderful and came to be with her this past week, which made it much easier for mom. She played and played. Again, the evidence is in the pictures.

God was very faithful and provided a very easy, and even exciting week back to work. I started back on pediatric cardiology and am loving it! It is fascinating, the kids and families are amazing and I am learning so much! Cardiology was probably one of my weakest areas of knowledge and comfort, therefore my education had no where to go but up :-). I cannot even begin to describe what some of these children, and their families, go through. Some surgery after surgery, medicines, tests, etc. They truly are heroes. It was a week that reminded me why I love what I do. Thank you Father! Don't hear me wrong, I would much prefer to be with my little girl. However, I am thankful God provided me an experience back that solidified the many ways He created me. If only I could strap my little girl on my back and take her to work :-) Love to all!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

All Smiles

I haven't posted in a some time because I have been enjoying every minute of my little girl and my last full days at home. I start back work tomorrow and don't really know how I feel about it. Overall, I am sad...I am going to miss Ryan so very much. She is so much fun! She is smiling all of the time (I tried to upload a video of her smiling but it is currently too big...hopefully will be up on the blog soon). I also included some great smile pictures. I'm convinced she gets prettier everyday. I also completely understand the saying, "you fall more in love with them everyday." :-) I am so thankful we found a nanny whom we adore and trust. Going back to work is hard enough but knowing she is good hands helps tremendously.

Over the past 6 weeks God has also reminded me he created me for another purpose other than wife and mother, doctor. I do miss working and I truly love what I am learning to do. Now that I am a mother, it completely changes my heart as a pediatrician, I hope for the better. However, I am not excited about the year to come and how much it will take me away from Matthew and Ryan. Prayers are greatly appreciated tomorrow and for the months ahead!